Measuring Performance

Measure Endorsement 

The Consensus Standards Approval Committee (CSAC) endorses or declines to endorse proposed standards (measures) and advises on enhancements of, and revisions to, the National Quality Forum’s (NQF's) Consensus Development Process (CDP). CSAC members are diverse healthcare stakeholders and collectively possess expertise in measure development, application, and reporting, as well as clinical expertise.

CSAC Meetings

The CSAC holds three in-person meetings annually or otherwise convenes by conference calls. All CSAC meetings are open to NQF Members and the public. At each CSAC meeting, audience members have the opportunity to comment on the candidate measures.

Charge to the CSAC

The CSAC makes endorsement decisions about candidate measures that have been reviewed by NQF standing committees, following public and NQF Member comment and Member voting. The CSAC ensures that measures are consistently assessed from project to project using NQF’s CDP and measure evaluation criteria (PDF). The CSAC also serves in an advisory capacity to NQF leadership regarding enhancements to the CDP and emerging issues in performance measurement.

Notifications of CSAC Decisions

All of the CSAC’s measure endorsement decisions are shared publicly on NQF's website.