NQF Proposes Changes to Endorsement Process - story 

NQF Seeks Public Comment on New Path to Ratify and Appeal MeasuresNQF uses its formal Consensus Development Process (CDP) to evaluate and endorse consensus standards, including performance measures, best practices, frameworks, and reporting guidelines. The CDP is designed to call for input and carefully consider the interests of stakeholder groups from across the healthcare industry.

NQF is committed to making the CDP as meaningful as possible. Based on comments received from various stakeholders, NQF recognized the need to revise the ratification and appeals procedures of the CDP to eliminate redundant decision making, prevent re-litigation of issues already considered, and reinforce the finality of decisions once appeals are adjudicated. The NQF Board of Directors participated in crafting three key principles for the proposed revised ratification and appeals procedures:


  1. The Consensus Standards Committee (CSAC) will make final measure endorsement decisions, without ratification by another body.
  2. A newly created Appeals Board will decide measure appeals rather than the NQF Board of Directors.
  3. Appeals of a measure endorsement decision will go directly to the Appeals Board without a re-review by the CSAC. 

The Measure Ratification and Appeal Process Summary of Proposed Changes table (PDF) provides additional detail.

NQF is seeking public comment on these proposed changes through February 22, 2016 at 6:00pm ET. The Board of Directors will review and adjudicate all comments received. Once finalized, NQF staff will work to implement the new procedures, including an extensive stakeholder education effort.

For more information, contact measuremaintenance@qualityforum.org.

Measure Ratification and Appeals Process (PDF)SUBMIT COMMENT
NQF Proposes Changes to Endorsement ProcessSeeks public comment on new path to ratify and appeal measures#E4801C