Mark Graber - Leadership Story 

NQF Honors Mark L Graber, MD, for His Efforts to Address Diagnostic Errors in Medicine

The National Quality Forum (NQF) has awarded the 2014 John M. Eisenberg Patient Safety and Quality Award for Individual Achievement to Mark L Graber, MD. Mark has pioneered efforts to address diagnostic errors in medicine. He convened the Diagnostic Error in Medicine conference series, formed the nonprofit Society to Improve Diagnosis in Medicine, and in 2014 founded a new international journal, Diagnosis. Mark petitioned the Institute of Medicine to examine the problem of diagnostic error, and a report on the issue is forthcoming this fall. In addition, he is the co-creator of Patient Safety Awareness Week, which emphasizes patient safety through celebrating achievements at the local level and providing education and awareness. NQF spoke recently with Mark about his work on diagnostic error and the Eisenberg award.

2014 John M. Eisenberg Patient Safety and Quality Award RecipientsEisenberg Awards Program Patient Safety Awareness WeekDiagnostic Error in
2014 John M. Eisenberg Awards#E4801CNQF Recognizes Mark L Graber, MD