Design Session Ignites Momentum for Measure Incubator - Story 

Design Session Ignites Momentum for Measure IncubatorA diverse, full house of more than 60 participants met at NQF in late February for a two-day session to learn about the newly launched NQF Measure Incubator and provide early input to further refine this initiative.

The NQF Measure Incubator is an innovative effort that facilitates efficient measure development and testing through collaboration and partnership. By connecting groups interested in particular measure concepts with measure development experts, financial and technical resources, and data, the Measure Incubator seeks to address important aspects of healthcare for which quality measures are underdeveloped or non-existent. In leading the Measure Incubator, NQF’s role is to facilitate the work of others. NQF itself will not develop measures.

The Design Session, funded by an educational grant from AstraZeneca, brought together representatives from the federal government, consumer and patient organizations, measure developers, specialty societies, data holders, health plans, industry and others. Together, these stakeholders examined the NQF Measure Incubator process in depth from the perspectives of coordination and collaboration among participating entities, the needs and flow of data through the various steps in measure incubation, and measure testing and use.

“The very candid dialogue among all parties at the Design Session revealed clear, high-energy support for the Measure Incubator and NQF’s role leading it,” said Nicole Silverman, NQF chief operating officer. “The guidance we received on how to fine-tune how we incubate needed measures will prove invaluable as this innovative effort continues to evolve.”

In particular, participants welcomed NQF’s role as a matchmaker in bringing together all the parties involved in measure development and encouraged NQF to consider building an electronic platform to facilitate this matchmaking. Participants also enthusiastically supported a learning network that would allow stakeholders to share what works and what doesn’t work about measure development so that the field can progress collectively. NQF is considering different options to build this learning community and what might be accomplished in the short term.

NQF Measure
Design Session Ignites Momentum for Measure Incubator

New NQF initiative garners broad support

