Chip Kahn - Membership Story 

Chip Kahn—Quality Metrics Help Hospitals Improve Service to Patients

Charles N. “Chip” Kahn III has been president and CEO of the Federation of American Hospitals (FAH) since 2001. FAH, the national advocacy organization for investor-owned hospitals and health systems, has been a member of NQF since 2000. Mr. Kahn currently serves on the NQF Measure Applications Partnership (MAP) Coordinating Committee. He previously served two terms on the NQF board of directors. Before coming to FAH, Mr. Kahn was president of the former Health Insurance Association of America and served as staff director for the House Ways and Means Health Subcommittee from 1995-1998. He holds an MPH degree from Tulane University School of Public Health and Tropical Medicine, which in 2001 bestowed upon him its prestigious “Champion of Public Health” award.

Chip KahnMembership Profile#651f76Chip Kahn—Quality Metrics Help Hospitals Improve Service to Patients