Setting Priorities

NQF's Leadership - Story 

NQF’s Leadership of the Measure Incubator®As a national, trusted convener of multiple stakeholders in healthcare quality, NQF has a wide and growing network of experts to develop and lead the Measure Incubator.

Through the Measure Incubator®, NQF is uniquely positioned to:

  • Effectively match measure developer(s) with projects, using NQF’s strong relationships with measure developers and other technical experts;
  • Help prioritize measure gaps and “measures that matter,” based on NQF’s substantial work to vet measures and to advance the science of quality measurement;
  • Provide a pathway to development of patient-reported outcome performance measures, based on its seminal work in this area;
  • Ensure that the best possible data assets are available throughout the measure development and testing lifecycle;
  • Leverage its experience working to expand and refine electronic quality measures; and
  • Convene leading experts in the field who bring the most current evidence-based data and knowledge to Measure Incubator® projects.
NQF Measure Incubator®GoalsProjectsGet InvolvedConflict of Interest Policy (PDF)Measure Incubator Advisory