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Strengthening the Core Set of Healthcare Quality Measures for Children Enrolled in Medicaid and CHIP, 2018 

Date of Publication:
AUG 2018
Associated Project:
MAP Medicaid Adult and Child Workgroups
This report is the Measure Applications Partnership’s (MAP) fifth set of annual recommendations to the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) for strengthening the Core Set of Healthcare Quality Measures for Children Enrolled in Medicaid and/or CHIP (Child Core Set). MAP supported the continued use of all current measures in the 2018 Child Core Set, and recommended the phased addition of six measures. MAP recommended measures that address high-priority gap areas such as behavioral health, care coordination, and chronic health conditions such as sickle cell disease. During this Core Set review cycle, discussion focused on the overall lifespan needs of the Medicaid/CHIP population and the relationship between health and social risk factors. The measure gaps were reprioritized, and a broad population-health based framework was created to include clinical and nonclinical/nonmedical setting measures to best address existing gaps in measurement. MAP also discussed focusing on maximizing data utility and lowering data collection burden as an approach to improving quality measurement and Child Core Set reporting at the state level.