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Patient Safety Off-Cycle Review Final Report 

Date of Publication:
JUL 2017
Associated Project:
CDP Standing Committee Off-Cycle Activities
The NQF Patient Safety Standing Committee is responsible for overseeing the patient safety measure portfolio. This oversight function includes evaluating both newly submitted and previously endorsed measures against NQF's measure evaluation criteria, identifying gaps in the measurement portfolio, providing input on how the portfolio should evolve, and serving on any ad hoc, off-cycle, or expedited projects in patient safety. When not involved in the more traditional endorsement project activities, which usually include evaluation of 20-25 measures over a seven-month timeframe, the Committee is available for “off-cycle” activities. These can include any of the actions noted above, but are accomplished through an abbreviated format (e.g., evaluation of one or two measures over a shorter timeframe, quarterly web-based meetings to discuss various measurement issues, etc.).