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Health and Well-Being 2015-2017 Final Report 

Date of Publication:
APR 2017
Associated Project:
Health and Well-Being 2015-2017
Medical care has a relatively small influence on overall health when compared with behaviors such as smoking, poor diet, physical environmental hazards, such as polluted air and unsafe roadways, and social factors like low educational achievement and poverty. Maintaining and improving the health and well-being of individuals and populations requires a multidisciplinary, multifactorial approach. Social, environmental, economic, and behavioral factors all play a significant role. These and other determinants of health contribute up to 60 percent of deaths in the United States, yet less than 5 percent of health expenditures are spent on prevention. During the third phase, the Health and Well-Being Standing Committee evaluated 12 new measures and 11 measures undergoing maintenance review against NQF’s evaluation criteria. Ultimately, 13 measures are endorsed, one measure receives Inactive Endorsement with Reserve Status, three measures are approved for trial use, and six measures are not endorsed.