Notice of Intent to Call For Measures for Pediatric Cardiac Surgery
This “Notice of Intent” serves as an announcement by the NQF of a consensus development project in the area of pediatric cardiac surgery. Under this project, NQF will identify and endorse a set of performance measures that are applicable across all settings of care. The formal NQF "Call for Measures" and "Call for Nominations" will begin in August.
To date, NQF has endorsed less than 20 clinician-level performance measures in the area of cardiac surgery, and even fewer for the pediatric population. To meet the need for additional quality measures for the pediatric surgical population, for use in public reporting, NQF will use its formal Consensus Development Process (CDP) to seek consensus-based endorsement of performance measures relevant to the areas of medication management, outcomes, processes, treatment and assessment of pediatric cardiac patients.
Scope of Activities
This project will be staged, with a Call for Steering Committee Nominations and the Call for Measures in August 2009. The overall goal of the project is to establish national, multi-stakeholder voluntary consensus on current performance standards ready for immediate implementation, and on recommendations for priority areas for research and measure development.
The NQF Process
This project, like all NQF activities, involves active participation of representatives from across the spectrum of healthcare stakeholders and will be guided by a Steering Committee through the Consensus Development Process.
Notify NQF of Intent to Submit Measures
A word document containing a list of measures intended for submission should be submitted to by Thursday May 28, 2009. This list should include:
- Title and description of the measure,
- Organization/Developer, and
- Contact person (include email and telephone)
For more information, contact Lisa Hines, BSN, MS, at 202-783-1300 or