Welcome to National Quality Forum’s Quality Positioning System™ (QPS) - a web-based tool to help you find NQF-endorsed measures quickly and easily. We hope QPS will be a useful tool for your measurement and reporting needs.
Need assistance navigating through QPS? We have a number of resources available to you:
- Contact NQF – contact a member of our technical support team.
- View the brief guide below to learn how to perform key functions in QPS.
- Learn more about the newly released Measure Selection Attributes (PDF) filters.
Our work is driven by you and your needs. Many of the features found in QPS are the direct result of user feedback. Please continue to send us your feedback about the tool as well as how your organization is using endorsed measures.

With QPS you can search for measures by title, NQF measure number, key search term, or by selecting various categories, such as care setting and data source. QPS provides useful information about a measure, including its description, numerator and denominator statements, steward contact information, and historical changes.
QPS Version 2.0 offers the ability to view measures that are no longer NQF-endorsed. You can now search QPS for these measures by NQF measure number, title, or keyword, and view associated measure-related information.
QPS 2.0 allows you to find endorsed measures based on their inclusion in Federal reporting and payment programs. You can now search by programs such as Meaningful Use, the Physician Quality Reporting System, and Hospital Value-Based Purchasing, or filter your measure search results according to the program of interest.

QPS 'portfolios' allow anyone to create custom lists of NQF-endorsed measures that fit specific interests or needs. Creating a portfolio is an easy way to keep track of all the measures you use or are interested in. Once you create a portfolio, you will be automatically notified when there are changes to any of the measures you have listed. Portfolios can be kept private, shared directly with others, or made public. You can compare and copy portfolios that others have created.
QPS makes it easy to track updates or changes to measures. To get a notification when measures change, first compile the measures you want to track in to a portfolio, a customized list of NQF-endorsed measures you create. This will allow you to automatically receive weekly update notices for the measures within the portfolio that have been updated, while simultaneously creating a helpful, easy to reference list you can access at any time.

QPS Version 2.0 allows you to submit feedback to NQF any time about the use and usefulness of a measure. This information will inform NQF's processes and projects, including the measure maintenance review process and the deliberations of the Measure Applications Partnership (MAP).

To understand how NQF-endorsed measures differ from one another, use QPS to select up to three measures to compare denominators, data sources, care settings, or other characteristics. You can also compare portfolios side-by-side to see measures in common across lists. For example, compare portfolios to see which NQF-endorsed measures satisfy the requirements of one or more reporting or payment programs.