Electronic Quality Measures (eMeasures) 

Project Status: Completed

Electronic Quality Measures (eMeasures)

In 2011 under HHS direction, NQF was tasked with retooling 113 endorsed quality measures from a paper-based format to an eMeasure format. Since NQF submitted the full set of 113 retooled measures to HHS in December 2011, many of these eMeasures may have been updated or revised in anticipation of Meaningful Use 2 (MU2). The eMeasures on NQF’s website may not reflect updates made by the measure steward. Measure stewards should be contacted for the most up-to-date version of the eMeasures.  

Final Activity: In December 2011, NQF submitted the full updated set of 113 retooled measures with all supporting documentation to the Department of Health and Human Services (HHS). View the retooled eMeasures.


Electronic measures (eMeasures) are standardized performance measures in an electronic format. eMeasures can promote greater consistency in measure development and in measuring and comparing performance results. They also can provide more exact requirements about where information should be collected, and drive greater standardization across the measures and greater confidence in comparing outcomes and provider performance.

Under HHS direction, NQF was tasked with retooling 113 endorsed quality measures from a paper-based format to an eMeasure format. These measures were posted for public comment in 2010. In July 2010, 44 of these 113 measures were published in the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services’ Electronic Health Record Incentive Program Final Rule.

NQF also convened an expert panel to review these retooled measures and ensure the meaning and intent did not change. Learn more about the eMeasure Format Review Panel.

In 2011, NQF released the Measure Authoring Tool (MAT), a web-based tool that allows measure developers to create standardized eMeasures for use across EHRs and other clinical IT systems. eMeasures created with the MAT will be an integral part of a more efficient electronic healthcare system. Updates to the eMeasures will occur through NQF’s endorsement maintenance process, including scheduled three-year maintenance reviews and annual updates. Ad hoc reviews will be conducted if the annual update is considered a material change.

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Contact Information 

For more information, please contact Christopher Millet at 202-783-1300 or via email at cmillet@qualityforum.org

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